Sunday, December 14, 2008

Adaptation Guidelines for Serving Latino Children Affected by Trauma (from the Chadwick Center).

In an effort to improve services for Latino/Hispanic children and families who have experienced trauma, the Chadwick Center for Children and Families in San Diego, California, as part of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), has coordinated a groundbreaking national effort to create Adaptation Guidelines for Serving Latino Children and Families Affected by Trauma. Experts in the fields of child trauma research, clinical practice, policy and cultural diversity worked together to create these guidelines that addresses a number of key priority areas to fit the needs of traumatized Latino children and families. The priority areas range from micro issues (Assessment and Provision of Therapy) to macro issues (Organizational Competence and Policy). The final document is designed to be viewed either in its entirety or by individual priority area. Portions of these guidelines are geared for advocates and therapists, while other priority areas are designed for program administrators and policy makers.

The document is available for download in its entirety or by individual priority area at

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