Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Begley Highlights the Urgency of Addressing the Gap Between Science and Practice

So much has been said about the long periods of time that it often takes for research to wind up rendering a useful application that it can almost feel pointless to raise the argument yet again.

In her characteristically incisive manner, Sharon Begley -Newsweek's science editor- has found a way of getting directly to the heart of the problem with the science-to-practice gap that cuts directly to its important consequence, society pays the price when science remains only science any longer than is necessary.

Though Begley's piece is focused on biomedical research and practice, it is clear that her argument is of relevance to those of us who spend a little more of our time in the psychosocial side.

You can read a full copy of Ms. Begley's piece at http://www.newsweek.com/id/166856

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